
Respect for the environment

Respect for the environment is one of the basic principles of the company’s philosophy.
The commitment to achieve a leadership position in sustainability is deeply rooted in our values ​since our birth.
For this, Stemin S.p.A. bases its work on environmental sustainability and energy saving, committing itself to integrate these values ​​as essential components of its industrial projects in all its operating contexts.

to get 1 kg of
aluminum you need
From mineral
14 kWh
of energy
From scraps
0,7 kWh
of energy
Recovering what was previously considered waste and eliminating "disposable" is the foundation of the CIRCULAR ECONOMY: a system designed to be able to regenerate itself and our industrial group is a perfect example of circularity.

Aluminium’s recycling allows significant energy and economic savings. Not only because it allows to save up to 95% of the energy required to produce it, but also because, thanks to its widespread use and its high intrinsic value, is convenient to use recovery technologies giving a new life to any obsolete product.

Aluminium’s recycling makes a significant contribution to sustainable development, since it is transformed – and not consumed – once the life of a particular product is exhausted reducing the volume of waste in circulation and avoiding mining activities.

Aluminium obtained from scrap or recycled from “waste” becomes a real economic resource for the entire country.